Health and Safety Association New Zealand



COVID-19 can be severe, and has caused millions of deaths around the world as well as lasting health problems in some who have survived the illness.

COVID-19 is the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that emerged in December 2019

The coronavirus can be spread from person to person through droplets and virus particles released into the air when an infected person breathes, talks, laughs, sings, coughs or sneezes. Larger droplets may fall to the ground in a few seconds, but tiny infectious particles can linger in the air and accumulate in indoor places, especially where many people are gathered and there is poor ventilation. This is why mask-wearing, hand hygiene and physical distancing are essential to preventing COVID-19. 

Covid Vaccines info  and My Vaccine Pass

Worksafe - Managing health and safety - Covid-19

Covid-19 Protection

Health and wellbeing



Advisers guiding you through the Covid-19 alert levels 

The HASANZ Register is a platform which is free to use and will help you find reliable, quality, health and safety advice.  

There are varied disciplines that together make up New Zealands health and safety workforce and to help guide you we’ve provided a summary of the areas covered by our professional member Associations. 

Getting help from health and safety professionals at COVID-19 alert levels.


Contact Tracing and Safety Plan 

Contact Tracing 

To stop any future spread of COVID-19, we need to trace the contacts of anyone who may have been exposed to COVID-19 and break the chain of transmission. Contact tracing helps us do that. 

Meet your contact tracing requirements 

All people on-site should sign in using either the QR code or an alternative contact tracing system. This includes employees, customers and other visitors. Make sure it’s done every day, including weekends and after hours. People who sign in with the NZ COVID Tracer app don’t need to use an alternative system. 

Display your QR code poster 

All workplaces and businesses legally must display an NZ COVID Tracer QR code for each location. This applies at all Alert Levels. 

Get your QR Code 

Your COVID-19 safety plan – what you need to think about 

Under alert Level 3 all businesses that are permitted to resume operations need to have a COVID-19 safety plan that sets out how they’ll operate safely. To help meet the requirements for Level 3 work arrangements, WorkSafe New Zealand has developed a template to help workplaces consider the risks introduced by COVID-19 and how they can mitigate them. 

Covid Safety Plan Template 

The purpose of the plan is to ensure the health and safety of workers and others is not put at risk from changes that are made to work arrangements because of this pandemic. We know that for some workplaces, resumption of business in a way that minimises risk to workers is going to be hard to do and this template will support them through the process of considering risk, and controlling it. 


HASANZ - COVID-19 Webinar Series

Global company L’Oréal on health and safety challenges and lessons from working in a Covid environment

Hear from the global company L’Oréal on health and safety challenges and lessons from working in a Covid environment.

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Best Practice Thermal Management

A joint webinar with NZ Occupational Hygiene Society, NZ Occupational Health Nurses Association (NZOHNA) and HASANZ. It covers effects of the thermal environment on people, risk assessments, case studies, effective monitoring and controls.

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Mentally Healthy Work Programme

Dr John Fitzgerald, Lead – Mentally Healthy Work at WorkSafe NZ presented on new programme at WorkSafe NZ.

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Fletcher Building - lessons from Covid-19 and the opportunities/challenges over the next 3-12 months

Hear about Fletcher Building's experience and learnings from Covid-19, and a look to future implications of the lockdown on overall business health & safety outcomes.

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Chorus – its journey throughout COVID-19 and beyond

You will hear how Chorus managed staff, operations and service partners during the different Alert Levels. Also you will hear their plans for the future

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Managing Covid-19 in the Workplace

Dr Michael Antoniadis provides a brief overview at the start of the webinar. Dr Antoniadis is a Specialist in Occupational and Environmental Medicine and has a wealth of experience undertaking independent medical assessments, providing opinion on medical diagnosis, causation, injury management, treatment, rehabilitation, prognosis and fitness for work across small and large businesses in both government and the private sector.

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Workplace Hygiene Management

HASANZ and the NZ Occupational Hygiene Society (NZOHS) jointly hosted this webinar. A number of areas were covered including ventilation, cleaning, controls, PPE and driving to work. The panel of Occupations Hygienists attending the webinar was Derek Miller, Carl Goodhue, Farai Chagonda and Bridgette Jennings.

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Personal Leadership and Working Differently

Hear from Pam Mitchell and John Eatwell talking about "Working Differently and Personal Leadership". Under pressure we stop thinking strategically and start being tactical and responding ineffectively when issues are raised. What can we do to be the best people we can be for our businesses, families and for ourselves? John and Pam will take you through key elements of personal leadership in terms of physical and psychological tools that will assist you in meeting the current challenges.

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Working productively from home

Presented by Marion Edwin, Rachel Lilley and Margaret van Schaik. They will outline ways for you and your staff to adjust your home working space so that you can avoid discomfort or injury while working from home.

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Actively managing Covid-19 health risks at Fonterra

The NZ Occupational Health Nurses Association (NZOHNA) and HASANZ are jointly hosting this webinar. You can hear from Clare Lynn and Terry Buckingham on how they have been actively managing the "managing the emerging COVID-19 health risks for Fonterra" in NZ and around the world.

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