Health and Safety Association New Zealand


Application guide

Guidance in registration applications and standards.

Everyone who applies to list on the HASANZ Register must fill in an online application form and upload evidence to demonstrate they meet the required registration standard. Each HASANZ member association has its own specific registration standard.


Registration standards for each HASANZ member association


    Everyone who applies to list on the HASANZ Register must fill in an online application form and upload evidence of current membership of their member association. Each HASANZ member association has its own specific registration standard.

    This page gives guidance for AFOEM members.  Other information can also be found on AFOEM's Website

    If you have any questions about these requirements, please contact AFOEM's Senior Executive Officer.

    Doctors awarded Fellowship of AFOEM are Fellows of the Australasian Faculty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (FAFOEM). A Faculty of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP). All Fellows are Registered with the Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ). The MCNZ, under the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003 sets standards of clinical competence, cultural competence, and ethical conduct for doctors. The MCNZ provide the following key functions for Aotearoa New Zealand.  

    • Registering Doctors 
    • Determining qualifications 
    • Prescribing scopes of practise 
    • Setting standards and supporting doctors to uphold these standards 
    • Recertifying and promoting lifelong learning for doctors 
    • Reviewing the practise of doctors if there is a concern about performance, professional conduct, or health 
    • Accrediting training institutions – including medical schools, colleges of medicine and hospitals.
    • of full-time equivalent (FTE) training. 
    • Successful trainees are admitted to the Fellowship of the Australasian 
    • Faculty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (FAFOEM). 
    • Eligibility is depended on the completion of all requirements of training 
    • and the overseeing committee has recommendation for admission.

    In the registration/re-registration process, and doctors must acknowledge that they have no illness that would stop them working, drug or alcohol issues, or policy convictions. These are also acknowledge as being true by a third party who must sign off on their registration form. This is all completed online on an annual basis. 

    Any FAFOEM who has had a disciplinary action taken against them will have this reviewed by the MCNZ and may lose their registration, which then means they are not qualified to be: 
    •    An FRACP 
    •    A FAFOEM 
    •    Or on the HASANZ Register.

    Ongoing Requirements

    The requirements for Fellows are ongoing with annual recertification from the MCNZ. Re-registration annually with the MCNZ includes a declaration stating they have read and abide by the Code of Ethics.

    Professional details

     Applicants must enter:

    • their association name and their AFOEM Registration Number.

    Evidence requirements

    Applicants to the the Australasian Faculty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (FAFOEM) must provide their current Medical Council of NZ practicing certificate.

    Other memberships: Please upload copies of any current certificates of membership with any other member association. associations.

    Insurance coverage

    HASANZ Registered FAFOEM members are required to hold insurance cover for professional indemnity, statutory liability, and public liability insurance.

    Evidence requirements

    Applicants must declare in the application that they currently hold all the necessary insurance requirements.



    Everyone who applies to list on the HASANZ Register must fill in an online application form and upload evidence of current membership of their member association. Each HASANZ member association has its own specific registration standard.

    This page gives guidance for AFOEM members.  Other information can also be found on the FAMANZ Website

    If you have any questions about these requirements, please contact the FAMANZ Office.

    The FAMANZ members applying to be on the HASANZ register will be full members in one of the following categories:
    •    Risk Management
    •    Remediation

    As part of the FAMANZ full member application process the following qualifications are required to be provided for each category:
    •    Risk Management – baccalaureate degree in science, engineering, or occupational hygiene
    •    Remediation – relevant asbestos qualification suitable to the FAMANZ board

    Evidence of these qualifications must be provided as either a certificate of attestation or a tertiary transcript at the time of membership application.  This evidence is reviewed by the FAMANZ Board as part of the membership application process prior to being awarded a Full membership.

    In the membership application form the candidate must detail their work history which includes length of time in the asbestos industry.  Further, one of the two referees provided with the membership application must attest that the candidate has been in the industry for more than 5 years.  The other referee provides a character reference.

    To be eligible to go onto the HASANZ register the individual must be a full member of FAMANZ.  All full members must have a minimum of 5 years experience in the asbestos field and be qualified.  

    Ongoing Requirements

    All FAMANZ Full and Technical members are required to complete an annual return from the first full year of their membership onwards.  A Full Member Risk Management or Remediation must accumulate 10 CPD points per calendar year.  Technical members must accumulate 5 CPD points.  (Technical members will not be eligible for the HASANZ register at the present time).

    The CPD is submitted via the FAMANZ website member portal.  A percentage of participants will be selected at random to provide documentary evidence of their professional development activities for audit purposes.

    As a full FAMANZ member going forward to the register, the member must be engaged in the CPD programme annually.  The CPD submissions are reviewed by the board to check the individual has obtained the correct number of CPD points. 

    Evidence of the CPD must be submitted annually to FAMANZ by each full member.  The CPD submissions are reviewed by the board to check the individual has obtained the correct number of CPD points. 

    If the member does not meet the required number of CPD points their membership cannot be renewed and their membership status will be reviewed by the board.

    Code of Conduct

    FAMANZ has a code of conduct which members must agree to abide when applying for their FAMANZ membership. 

    Agreement to abide by the code of conduct is made at the time of FAMANZ membership application and during the renewal process. 

    One of the two referees provided with the FAMANZ membership application must attest that the candidate is of good character.  
    There are disciplinary proceedings in place if a complaint is made it will be investigated and sanctions may be made including revoking of membership.  

    Attestation to the members good character will be made at the time of the FAMANZ membership application and during the renewal process. 

    The Code of Conduct states that: FAMANZ strongly encourages all Full and Technical members to hold or be covered by professional indemnity and public liability insurance, with policy wording that specifically includes asbestos; plus workers’ compensation insurance.

    Agreement to abide by the code of conduct is made at the time of the FAMANZ membership application and during the renewal process which includes maintaining records and encouragement to hold insurances.

    Professional details

     Applicants must enter:

    • their association name and their FAMANZ Registration Number.

    Other memberships: Please upload copies of any current certificates of membership with any other member association. associations.

    Insurance coverage

    HASANZ Registered FAMANZ members are required to hold insurance cover for professional indemnity, statutory liability, and public liability insurance.

    Evidence requirements

    Applicants must declare in the application that they currently hold all the necessary insurance requirements.



    Everyone who applies to list on the HASANZ Register must fill in an online application form and upload evidence to demonstrate they meet the required registration standard. Each HASANZ member association has its own specific registration standard.

    This page gives guidance for HFESNZ members.  More information can be found on HFESNZ's website.  

    If you have any questions about these requirements, please contact HFESNZ at [email protected].

    Professional details

    Applicants must enter:

    • their association name, their association membership number and their occupation/profession.  
    • details of their qualifications and any other professional memberships that they hold, and upload evidence of these.

    Evidence requirements 

    Only current Certified Professional Members (CNZHFE) are eligible for listing on the HASANZ Register. If you are not a Certified Professional Member, apply for membership.  

    HFESNZ's Certification Assessors will review your HASANZ Register application details and uploaded evidence to ensure it meets HFESNZ requirements. Your HASANZ application should reflect evidence already submitted for the HFESNZ Certification/Recertification process, though you may wish to submit (via the HASANZ Register application) additional evidence specifically in support of your Register application.  Please follow this guidance for the strongest type of evidence with your application.

    For claims that HFESNZ is unable to verify via evidence, or is not the correct professional organisation to verify competence, we will use the right to remove your claim to this expertise from your HASANZ Register application. Please refer to 'Accepted HFE skills/service types for the HASANZ Register'. In some cases we may confer with other organisations that you may be a member of to verify competence in additional skills not on this list.

    Insurance coverage

    All applicants must confirm that the work they do is covered by professional indemnity insurance and public liability insurance and upload evidence of this. Statutory liability insurance is recommended but not mandatory.

    Evidence requirements

    Please provide copies of your insurance documentation to verify that you hold professional indemnity and public liability insurances sufficient for the work that you carry out, and that these are current.

    Service offering

    Applicants can select the industries they have experience working in, the locations they can offer service in, and the sizes of business they have experience working with.

    Applicants must then select at least one option from any one of the four lists of register categories to indicate their service offering - the services they provide, or the subject matter experience they have. The four options are: general services, specialist services, specific injury or illness experience, specific subject matter experience (area of concern). Applicants must upload evidence for each category they select, according to the requirements of their member association.

    Evidence requirements

    Your HASANZ application should reflect evidence already submitted for the HFESNZ Certification/Recertification process, though you may wish to submit (via the HASANZ Register application) additional evidence specifically in support of your Register application. Please pay attention to evidence that backs each of your claims for industry experience, and aim to provide the strongest type of evidence with your application.

    For claims that HFESNZ is unable to verify via evidence, or is not the correct professional organisation to verify competence, we will use the right to remove your claim to this expertise from your HASANZ Register application. Please refer to 'Accepted HFE skills/service types for the HASANZ Register'. In some cases we may confer with other organisations that you may be a member of to verify competence in additional skills not on this list.

  • IOP

    Everyone who applies to list on the HASANZ Register must fill in an online application form and upload evidence to demonstrate they meet the required registration standard. Each HASANZ member association has its own specific registration standard.

    This page gives guidance for IOP members.  Other information can also be found on IOP's website

    If you have any questions about these requirements, please contact  [email protected].

    For a Chartered Member of the Institute of Organisational Psychology to be listed on the HASANZ register, applicants must:

    • Have completed a master’s degree in organisational psychology and have been assessed as competent in their practice through the completion of a post graduate diploma in organisational psychology or through a recognised Psychologists Board accreditation process.
    • Be a current, Chartered member of the Institute of Organisational Psychology.
    • Be covered by appropriate professional indemnity, public liability and statutory liability insurance.
    • Continue with ongoing professional development with an individual plan, that includes self-reflection and actions to develop areas identified. This plan must be signed off by the persons supervisor when the plan is established and completed.  Members cannot practice in areas they are not competent in. Where a member wants to practice in a new area, they would be expected to have a development plan and be supervised in their practice in that area.
    • All members to act in line with the prevailing Code of Ethics.

    Professional details

     Applicants must enter:

    • their association name, their NZPsS membership number (with the letters IOP in front) and their occupation/profession.
    • details of their qualifications and any other professional memberships that they hold, and upload evidence of these.

    Evidence requirements

    Applicants to the Institute of Organisational Psychology must provide documentary evidence of their qualifications when they apply to join. The Institute verifies qualifications on University’s websites and the Psychologist Board website, or through NZQA for international qualifications.

    Other memberships: Please upload copies of any current certificates, membership cards, or other identifying documentation as issued by any such associations.

    Insurance coverage

    The New Zealand Psychological Society provides professional, public and statutory liability insurance for members through a discounted scheme provided by Anon.

    The application will require Chartered members to provide a certificate of insurance for public and professional liability

    Evidence requirements

    Applicants must declare in the application that they currently hold all the necessary insurance requirements.

    Service offering

    Applicants can select the industries they have experience working in, the locations they can offer service in, and the sizes of business they have experience working with.

    Applicants must then select at least one option from any one of the four lists of register categories to indicate their service offering - the services they provide, or the subject matter experience they have. The four options are: general services, specialist services, specific injury or illness experience, specific subject matter experience (area of concern). Applicants must upload evidence for each category they select, according to the requirements of their member association.

    Evidence requirements

    For core subjects (a list of which is available at no additional evidence will be required, simply upload a copy of your IOP membership certificate. Members are reminded that they should only select those core subjects which they have the relevant knowledge, experience in and can currently provide a service for.

    For any areas outside of the core disciplines, please provide additional evidence of your competency/knowledge in the form of course certificates, attendance records, Personal Learning Portfolio, Reports or as specified in the Register Competency Standards. All evidence will be treated in strictest confidence and redacted reports are acceptable.


    Everyone who applies to list on the HASANZ Register must fill in an online application form and upload evidence to demonstrate they meet the required registration standard. Each HASANZ member association has its own specific registration standard.

    This page gives guidance for NZISM members.  Information can also be found on NZISM's website

    If you have any questions about these requirements, please contact: Sara Dearsly [email protected].

    Professional details

    Applicants must enter:

    • their association name, their association membership number and their occupation/profession.
    • details of their qualifications and any other professional memberships that they hold, and upload evidence of these.

    NZISM members can find their membership number by logging into the members section of the NZISM website.

    Evidence requirements

    Please provide evidence of your qualifications by uploading either:

    • Copy of Certificate (preferred)
    • Copy of official signed transcript noting qualification has been achieved

    Please provide evidence of your other professional memberships by uploading either:

    • Current membership certificate or card showing organisation name, member name, membership number and expiry date; or
    • Current annual practising certificate

    Insurance coverage

    All applicants must confirm that the work they do is covered by professional indemnity insurance and public liability insurance and upload evidence of this. Statutory liability insurance is recommended but not mandatory.

    Evidence requirements

    Consultants only: Please provide a copy of certificate of currency from insurer showing cover for professional indemnity insurance and public liability insurance.

    It is expected that In-house health and safety advisers will be covered by their employers’ insurance – please check with your employer if you are in doubt about being covered before applying.

    Service offering

    Applicants can select the industries they have experience working in, the locations they can offer service in, and the sizes of business they have experience working with.

    Applicants must then select at least one option from any one of the four lists of register categories (i.e. you only need to select a minimum of one option from the entire four lists) to indicate their service offering - the services they provide, or the subject matter experience they have. The four options are: general services, specialist services, specific injury or illness experience, specific subject matter experience (area of concern). Applicants must upload evidence for each category they select, according to the requirements of their member association.

    We have endeavoured to make it easier for you to select the correct competencies by detailing each competency and its requirements in the NZISM criteria documents. By meeting NZISM graduate or above grading, we have determined that you have already met some competencies and these are identified as being General in the General or Specialist column, and Yes in the Meet Competency Standard Via Qualifications column. You may select all of these competencies without requiring supporting documentation or evidence.

    However, for all other competencies that you select you must provide evidence, the details of which are set out in the columns titled Competency Examples, or Verification Evidence. To ensure a speedy assessment, please only provide the information requested. If additional material is needed you will be contacted by the assessment panel,

    Evidence requirements

    PLEASE NOTE: only upload relevant qualifications or evidence specified in the NZISM criteria documents.  If additional material is needed you will be contacted to provide it.

    The following should be submitted for subjects noted by NZISM as requiring evidence in the specialty:

    • Subject-specific training and/or evidence of work experience in the specialty area; or
    • Testimonials from clients/employer related to work the applicant has done in the specialty area.


    NZISM Members Eligibility to Join the HASANZ Register


    Everyone who applies to list on the HASANZ Register must fill in an online application form and upload evidence to demonstrate they meet the required registration standard. Each HASANZ member association has its own specific registration standard..

    This page gives guidance for NZOHNA members.  Other information can also be found on NZOHNA's website.

    OHN pathway for HASANZ register

    If you have any questions about these requirements, please contact [email protected].

    Professional details

    Applicants must enter:

    • their association name, their association membership number and their occupation/profession.
    • details of their qualifications and any other professional memberships that they hold, and upload evidence of these.

    NZOHNA members can use their NZ Nursing Council membership number from their annual practicing certificate.

    • Choose ‘Occupational Health Nurse – Proficient’ as your profession if you have reached this level on the Knowledge and Skills Framework (this must be completed prior to starting the application process)
    • Choose ‘Occupational Health Nurse – Expert’ as your profession if you have reached this level on the Knowledge and Skills Framework (this must be completed prior to starting the application process)

    Evidence requirements

    Qualifications: Please provide evidence of your qualifications by uploading:

    • a copy of your annual practising certificate
    • a copy of your highest RN qualification e.g. post grad OH
    • a copy of your completed Knowledge and Skills Framework to Level 2 previously assessed by the NZOHNA relevant Exec Group.

    Other memberships: Please provide evidence of any other professional memberships you hold by uploading either:

    • a current membership certificate or card showing organisation name, member name, membership number and expiry date; or
    • a current annual practising certificate

    Insurance coverage

    All applicants must confirm that the work they do is covered by professional indemnity insurance and public liability insurance and upload evidence of this. Statutory liability insurance is recommended but not mandatory.

    Evidence requirements

    Consultants only: Please provide a copy of certificate of currency from insurer showing cover for professional indemnity insurance and public liability insurance.

    It is expected that In-house health and safety advisers are be covered by their employers’ insurance – please check with your employer if you are in doubt about being covered before applying.

    If you do not currently hold insurance, a liability insurance package is available from Abbott Insurance Brokers under a NZOHNA scheme. The package includes medical malpractice, public and statutory liability cover.

    Service offering

    Applicants can select the industries they have experience working in, the locations they can offer service in, and the sizes of business they have experience working with.

    Applicants must then select at least one option from any one of the four lists of register categories to indicate their service offering - the services they provide, or the subject matter experience they have. The four options are: general services, specialist services, specific injury or illness experience, specific subject matter experience (area of concern). Applicants must upload evidence for each category they select, according to the requirements of their member association.

    Evidence requirements

    Please upload the following:

    • a copy of your current CV which evidences your number of years’ experience as an occupational health nurse
    • a copy of your current Professional Development Plan (if applicable)

    For each competency you wish to list under, please provide evidence of your experience in relation to this competency by uploading one or more of the following:

    • a reference from an employer
    • a reference from individual person
    • a reference from client company
    • copies of relevant training certificates, etc

    Please find full list of competencies here, as well as the core NZOHNA competencies here.


    Everyone who applies to list on the HASANZ Register must fill in an online application form and upload evidence to demonstrate they they meet the required registration standard.

    Each HASANZ member association has its own specific registration standard.  This page gives guidance for NZOHS members. More information can be found on NZOHS website

    If you have any questions about these requirements, please contact [email protected]

    Professional details

    Applicants must enter:

    • their association name, their association membership number and their occupation/profession.  
    • details of their qualifications and any other professional memberships that they hold, and upload evidence of these.

    Evidence requirements 

    Qualifications: Full Members of NZOHS only may apply. No additional evidence is required as the applicant's details will be checked against NZOHS' latest database of members; simply upload a copy of your NZOHS membership certificate.

    Membership of other associations: Please provide a copy of any current certificates, membership cards, grade etc as issued by any such associations.

    Insurance coverage

    All applicants must confirm that the work they do is covered by professional indemnity insurance and public liability insurance and upload evidence of this. Statutory liability insurance is recommended but not mandatory.

    Evidence requirements

    Consultants only: Please provide a copy of your company's current professional indemnity insurance and public liability insurance certificates.

    Service offering

    Applicants can select the industries they have experience working in, the locations they can offer service in, and the sizes of business they have experience working with.

    Applicants must then select at least one option from any one of the four lists of register categories to indicate their service offering - the services they provide, or the subject matter experience they have. The four options are: general services, specialist services, specific injury or illness experience, specific subject matter experience (area of concern). Applicants must upload evidence for each category they select, according to the requirements of their member association.

    Evidence requirements

    For core subjects (a list of which is available at as agreed by Council) no additional evidence will be required, simply upload a copy of your NZOHS membership certificate. Members are reminded that they should only select those core subjects which they have the relevant knowledge, experience in and can provide a service for.

    For any areas outside of the core disciplines, please provide additional evidence of your competency/knowledge in the form of course certificates, attendance records, Personal Learning Portfolio or Reports etc. All evidence will be treated in strictest confidence and redacted reports are acceptable.

  • NZSC

    Everyone who applies to list on the HASANZ Register must fill in an online application form and upload evidence to demonstrate they meet the required registration standard. Each HASANZ member association has its own specific registration standard.

    This page gives guidance for New Zealand Safety Council members. More information can be found on NZSC's website.

    If you have any questions about these requirements, please contact: Toniette Salt on [email protected]

    Professional details

    Applicants must enter:

      • their association name, their association membership number and their occupation/profession.
      • details of their qualifications and any other professional memberships that they hold, and upload evidence of these.

    NZSC members can find their membership number by logging into the members section of the NZSC website.

      • Choose ‘Health and Safety Practitioner’ as your profession if you are accredited at Registered Management Consultant (RMC) level
      • Choose ‘Health and Safety Professional’ as your profession if you  are accredited at Associate Safety Professional (ASP) level or Registered Safety Professional (RSP) level

    Evidence requirements

    Please provide evidence of your qualifications by uploading either:

      • Copy of Certificate (preferred)
      • Copy of official signed transcript noting qualification has been achieved

    Please provide evidence of your other professional memberships by uploading either:

      • Current membership certificate or card showing organisation name, member name, membership number and expiry date; or
      • Current annual practising certificate

    Insurance coverage

    All applicants must confirm that the work they do is covered by professional indemnity insurance and public liability insurance and upload evidence of this. Statutory liability insurance is recommended but not mandatory.

    Evidence requirements

    Consultants only: Please provide a copy of certificate of currency from insurer showing cover for professional indemnity insurance and public liability insurance.

    It is expected that In-house health and safety advisers/ managers will be covered by their employers’ insurance – please check with your employer if you are in doubt about being covered before applying.

    Service offering

    Applicants can select the industries they have experience working in, the locations they can offer service in, and the sizes of business they have experience working with.

    Applicants must then select at least one option from any one of the four lists of register categories (i.e. you only need to select a minimum of one option from the entire four lists) to indicate their service offering - the services they provide, or the subject matter experience they have. The four options are: general services, specialist services, specific injury or illness experience, specific subject matter experience (area of concern). Applicants must upload evidence for each category they select, according to the requirements of their member association.

    We have endeavoured to make it easier for you to select the correct competencies by detailing each competency and its requirements in the NZSC criteria documents. By meeting NZSC, ASP or above grading, we have determined that you have already met some competencies, and these are identified as being General in the General or Specialist column, and Yes in the Meet Competency Standard Via Qualifications column. You may select all of these competencies without requiring supporting documentation or evidence.

    However, for all other competencies that you select you must provide evidence, the details of which are set out in the columns titled Competency Examples, or Verification Evidence. To ensure a speedy assessment, please only provide the information requested. If additional material is needed you will be contacted by the assessment panel.

    Evidence requirements

    PLEASE NOTE: only upload relevant qualifications or evidence specified in the NZSC criteria documents. If additional material is needed you will be contacted to provide it.

    The following should be submitted for subjects noted by NZSC as requiring evidence in the specialty:

      • Subject-specific training and/or evidence of work experience in the specialty area; or
      • Testimonials from clients/employer related to work the applicant has done in the specialty area.

    Everyone who applies to list on the HASANZ Register must fill in an online application form and upload evidence to demonstrate they meet the required registration standard. Each HASANZ member association has its own specific registration standard.

    This page gives guidance for OTNZ-WNA members.  Other information can also be found on OTNZ-WNA's website.

    If you have any questions about these requirements, please contact one of the following: 

    [email protected][email protected] or Randa Abbasi [email protected].

    Professional details

    Applicants must enter:

      • their association name, their association membership number and their occupation/profession.
      • details of their qualifications and any other professional memberships that they hold, and upload evidence of these.

    Evidence requirements

    Please provide:

      1. evidence of OTNZ-WNA Membership
      2. a copy of your OTBNZ Annual Practising Certificate
      3. an Academic Transcript for proof of appropriate qualification as an OT as well as completed post graduate training (minimum of 60 points) in area related to Vocational Rehab/Health and Safety
      4. a CV that specifies years of experience in: Vocational Rehabilitation Physical, Mental Health and Addictions; Injury Prevention; Early Intervention; Work-related Environmental Assessments and Equipment/Environment modifications/accommodations (ergonomic); Training and specific areas; Health and Wellness including Mental Health and Addictions; and Health and Safety. Please add to the bottom of your CV: “This is a true and accurate record of the services, tasks and years of experience in the areas outlined in my CV”
      5. if completing jobs that have regulatory requirements (e.g., driving assessments, hearing, drug and alcohol testing), proof of this training is required
      6. evidence of membership of the OTNZ-WNA Special Interest Group for Vocational Rehabilitation and Occupational Health & Safety
      7. evidence of 15 hours per annum professional development in Occupational Health & Safety or Vocational Rehabilitation from e-portfolio - profile assessors have no access to this.


    HASANZ OT Competency Guide for Registration February 2021

    Insurance coverage

    All applicants must confirm that the work they do is covered by professional indemnity insurance and public liability insurance and upload evidence of this. Statutory liability insurance is recommended but not mandatory.

    Evidence requirements

      1. Occupational Therapists must have professional indemnity and public liability insurance, and it is recommended that you hold statutory liability insurance. Please provide a receipt/proof of professional indemnity/public liability/statutory liability insurance if applicable, whether it be through the Association’s insurance provider or other.

    Service offering

    Applicants can select the industries they have experience working in, the locations they can offer service in, and the sizes of business they have experience working with.

    Applicants must then select at least one option from any one of the four lists of register categories to indicate their service offering - the services they provide, or the subject matter experience they have. The four options are: general services, specialist services, specific injury or illness experience, specific subject matter experience (area of concern). Applicants must upload evidence for each category they select, according to the requirements of their member association.

    Evidence requirements

      1. Occupational Therapists must have a minimum of 3 years' experience and have a supervisor with a minimum of 7 years' experience in occupational health and safety and vocational rehabilitation. Please provide a curriculum vitae with at least one current reference or samples of relevant professional endorsement as proof of work experience.
      2. Please note: If you wish to add a service not listed on HASANZ for Occupational Therapists, you will need to make a case for this by:
          • providing evidence (see no. 2 and 5 under professional details above)
          • obtaining a supporting letter from a recognised ‘expert’ who can testify to your competence in the specialist service you wish to supply. This is in addition to number 1 above.
  • PNZ (OHPG)

    Everyone who applies to list on the HASANZ Register must fill in an online application form and upload evidence to demonstrate they meet the required registration standard. Each HASANZ member association has its own specific registration standard.

    This page gives guidance for PNZ (OHPG) members.  Further information can be found on PNZ(OHPG)'s website (for PNZ(OHPG) members only).  

    If you have any questions about these requirements please contact: Angela Trotter [email protected], or Rachel Lilley [email protected].

    For a physiotherapist to be listed on the HASANZ register, a physiotherapist must:

      • Be registered with the NZ Physiotherapy Board and hold an Annual Practising Certificate.
      • Be a member of Physiotherapy NZ (PNZ).
      • Be a member of the Occupational Health Physiotherapy Group (OHPG).
      • Be covered by appropriate professional indemnity, public liability and statutory liability insurance.
      • Have a minimum of 2 years’ current experience in areas related to occupational health, vocational rehabilitation and/or specific area(s) of physiotherapy practice in which they are applying for on the HASANZ Register.
      • Hold a post graduate qualification (certificate or better), in area related to occupational health, vocational rehabilitation and/or specific area(s) of physiotherapy practice in which they are applying for on the HASANZ Register
      • Demonstrate a minimum of 15 hours of CPD per annum in occupational health, vocational rehabilitation or specific area(s) of physiotherapy practice in which they are they are listed on the Register, as part of their usual professional development requirement by the Physiotherapy Board.
      • Provide one peer review (in occupational health, vocational rehabilitation or specific area(s) of physiotherapy practice in which they are they are listed on the Register) that may include onsite visit, clinic and/or case review, per annum, with one provided on application. The reviewer must have a minimum of 2-years’ experience working in the same field.

    Professional details

    Applicants must enter:

      • their association name, their association membership number and their occupation/profession.
      • details of their qualifications and any other professional memberships that they hold, and upload evidence of these.

    Evidence requirements

    Qualifications Please upload a copy of your postgraduate certificate or higher, including the transcript of academic record.

    Other memberships: Please upload copies of any current certificates, membership cards, or other identifying documentation as issued by any such associations.

    Insurance coverage

    All applicants must confirm that the work they do is covered by professional indemnity insurance and public liability insurance and upload evidence of this. Statutory liability insurance is recommended but not mandatory.

    Evidence requirements

    Please upload a copy of your paid invoice and / or a copy of your insurance certificate.

    Service offering

    Applicants can select the industries they have experience working in, the locations they can offer service in, and the sizes of business they have experience working with.

    Applicants must then select at least one option from any one of the four lists of register categories to indicate their service offering - the services they provide, or the subject matter experience they have. The four options are: general services, specialist services, specific injury or illness experience, specific subject matter experience (area of concern). Applicants must upload evidence for each category they select, according to the requirements of their member association.

    Evidence requirements

    Please upload your current CV demonstrating you have a minimum of two years current experience in areas related to occupational health, vocational rehabilitation and/or specific area(s) of physiotherapy practice in which you are applying for on the HASANZ Register.

    Please upload evidence of one peer review (in occupational health, vocational rehabilitation or specific area(s) of physiotherapy practice in which you are listed on the HASANZ Register), that may include onsite visit, clinic and/or case review. The reviewer must have a minimum of 2-years’ experience working in the same field. Please contact the Occupational Health administrator if you would like a peer review form.

Register administrators

HASANZ Register administrators are ready to help HASANZ members with enquiries about the HASANZ Register. Please check the FAQs to see if your question is covered off there first.